Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Othello Blog "O" is better

Shakespeare's Othello has been recreated many times through film and on stage live, however I believe the best version for young adults to watch it in is "O". The movies "O" is a great way to show the extreme emotions that shakespeare was trying to portray. I watched the "Theatre Night" and the Lawrence Fishburne version of Othello and both showed great emotion however O's added elements make the story more real and personal to young adults of this generation. I think the raw emotion that skaespeare wrote about in this story and the emotion being the sole reason for the killings don't identify with young viewers. The use of drugs in Jugo and Oden make their decision a little more viable and believable. Also the use of profanity envokes more emotion in a younger audience than the  old english words.

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