Wednesday, November 19, 2014


The Othello adaptions were very interesting to watch. My favorite was the one by Lawrence Fishburne. It was created in 1990 by the Royal Theater. The movie as a whole was very frustrating to me as the viewer. Some times I could feel what they were going through. Other times I felt so angry that characters did not know the truth. I hate lies and deceptive people. It angered me almost the whole movie to see Lago the villain deceive Othello. Just seeing him appear in general was angering to me. Lago's sneaky self should rot in the bottom of the earth. I would not have had that Kind of mercy on him if I was Othello. Over all I did like the movie but was quite agitated by the story line itself. The ability to foreshadow what is going on next was very well put together by the director. Even though the language barrier between the British English and the American English was a little different I could get the gist of it and watch what was going on. I might recommend this movie to people.

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