Friday, September 5, 2014


As I watch the movie "Beowulf" I was very appalled at the killing machine Grendel who terrorizes Denmark. But, as the movie goes on I realized it portrays a biblical story of David and the Philistine champion Goliath. The reason why this came to my mind is because Beowulf came to King Hrothgar rescue in saving his kingdom. Likewise, in the story of David and Goliath; David came to King Saul's rescue in defeating Goliath. Also, in the fight against Grendel; Beowulf decides not to use a weapon but his bare hands. Similarly, David slayed the great giant with only slingshot and a stone. David sleeps with a woman he wasn't suppose to named Bathsheba. Likewise, Beowulf decides to lay with the Grendel's mother. Beowulf thinks by doing this that it is going to bless him, but ended up cursing him for life. The golden horn seems to be Beowulf's soul in the movie. As long as the Grendel's mother has it; there is no conflict. We as Christians will fall to sin because we arent perfect; but we must be willing to stand back up for our Lord. We must make sure our soul is right with God because He is the only one who can save us from eternal hell.

-Lorenza Carey

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