Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Tree (The Dream of the Rood)

The tree signifies Jesus. Jesus the son of God in all his glory and splendor, became a man and bore our sins; defiling himself so that we can become clean. Through his perilous journey unto death Jesus becomes a beacon of hope for us when he rose from death. He bore our sins unto death so that we can have life.
The tree in the beginning of the dream was surrounded by beauty and light, and it was covered by jewels. However it was stripped of it's glory after it was cut down and was made into a cross. The Cross was made to carry the burdens of wretched souls which Jesus had become to the cross. We see the crucifixion story from the tree's point of view like Jesus it was mocked bruised and bears the scars of sin but through it all the cross has become a beacon of hope for us.    

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