Friday, September 19, 2014

Sir Gawain and How History Repeats Itself.

Reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was almost like deja vu to me. Not only because I had already read this story in a class before, but because I felt like I was reading all of the hero/villain stories I had read before, as I did with Beowulf. These stories are the foundation to the superman stories and the batman stories that we are so fond of today. I believe this is what makes these stories appear in academic forums over and over again. I even think that if someone modernize the story of Sir Gawain (and did it well) it might even be a hit. I think the problem most people today have with reading these types of stories is the language. Getting past the language and double meanings and see the themes and the symbols for what they are, you can really enjoy a story like this. Watching a modern story about a guy who takes a challenge from some evil foe to prove his valience. I mean we kinda see story lines like that in movies today. So why not a modern version of Sir Gawain?

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