Friday, September 5, 2014


When watching the movie adaptation of this epic poem, I have to admit that most of the time, my mouth was hanging open, in shock and disbelief. I had no idea what to expect! However, looking beyond the gore, I began to understand that Beowulf struggled with temptation. Beowulf was a hero and he sacrificed himself in order to defeat Grendel, wanting nothing in return and during his reign as king, he was fair and just, and attentive to his subjects. But he made one mistake by laying with Grendel’s mother, because she promised him power and wealth. By giving in to this temptation, he felt incessantly guilty. Beowulf, just like us Christians, know what is right and try to stay on the correct path, however sometimes the world offers us things that are just to tempting and we lose our way. However, there is still hope because when we are able to take responsibility of our actions and turn our lives over to Christ, with His help, we can defeat the dragons or sins and temptations in our life.

-Eryn Peeler

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